Multiple Storyboard - How To Use Storyboard reference in xcode.

storyboard reference feature available xcode 7 and later. storyboard reference which is use to connect more then one storyboard. so that all the storyboard take less time to load and indexing. because of that its work as smoothly. 

We suggest all developer to use storyboard reference in your project so that we can easily work with less indexing. You  can see the tutorial for storyboard reference.
 Step 1 :
Make new project goto > file > New > Project, and give the name of the project as  “MultipleStoryBoardDemo”
  Step 2 :
Adding UINAvigationController and make “ViewController” as rootViewController.
Step 3 :
Add one button in UIViewController , Which name is “Go To Second StoryBoard”.

Step 4:
Now adding another storyBoard with name of “SecondMain” as below.
Step 5 :
Inside the “SecondMain” adding anotherView controller name as “SecondViewController”.
Step 6 :
Now go to “Main” StoryBoard and select ViewController, inside ViewController have a button “Go To Second StoryBoard”, adding  storyboard references inside “Main” storyBoard. and give name of storyBoard as “SecondMain”, see right corner.
Demo project :
This demo project contain only two storyboard using storyboard references, You can add more storyboard and connect them using storyboard references, its very fast to get ViewController and not load to open storyboard rather then previous method of single storyboard.
Multiple Storyboard - How To Use Storyboard reference in xcode. Multiple Storyboard - How To Use Storyboard reference in xcode. Reviewed by KIRIT MODI on 23:20:00 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Nice, Helpful to me add multiple storyboard usiing segue.


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