iOS9 UIDatePicker Example with UIToolBar in Swift 3.0. iOS9 UIDatePicker Example with UIToolBar in Swift 3.0. Reviewed by KIRIT MODI on 23:35:00 Rating: 5

Twitter LogIn with Fabric in Swift?

KIRIT MODI 05:58:00
LogIn with Twitter feature means authentication with Twitter, This tutorials provide to Twitter LogIn with the use of the Twitter of Fabric...Read More
Twitter LogIn with Fabric in Swift? Twitter LogIn with Fabric in Swift? Reviewed by KIRIT MODI on 05:58:00 Rating: 5

NSDateFormatter in Swift ?

KIRIT MODI 21:57:00
The object of  NSDateFormatter  which create string is represent of NSDate objects. also conversation of dates and times of NSDate object....Read More
NSDateFormatter in Swift ? NSDateFormatter in Swift ? Reviewed by KIRIT MODI on 21:57:00 Rating: 5
How can I create a UIColor from a hex string in swift? How can I create a UIColor from a hex string in swift? Reviewed by KIRIT MODI on 23:56:00 Rating: 5

How to installed Fabric in Xcode.

KIRIT MODI 23:53:00
There are two ways to integrate twitter in your apps. one way to calling twitter API and handle response. and another way to use Fabric SD...Read More
How to installed Fabric in Xcode. How to installed Fabric in Xcode. Reviewed by KIRIT MODI on 23:53:00 Rating: 5
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