What’s new in Strings in Swift 4?
The Swift 4 which is default in Xcode 9. So you have to download Xcode 9. if you have Xcode 8.3 then you can also installed Swift 4 toolchain.
Multi-line string literals : You can define the multi-line string using three double-quotes ("""). see the below code.
Multi-line string literals : You can define the multi-line string using three double-quotes ("""). see the below code.
let multilineString = """
I am Kirit Modi.
Working as iOS Developer.
Having 5+ Year experience iOS development.
Currently working also in React Native.
Add the backslash ( \ ) at the end of the line to escape new lines in the multi-line string literals.
let escapedNewline = """
I am Kirit Modi, \
Working as iOS Developer.
String is a Collection : The biggest change is that string is a Collection. Swift 1 also is a collection. see the code of for-in loop to get characters from string.
let greeting = "Kirit, M😜d!"
for char in greeting {
Unicode 9: The Swift 4 supports unicode 9. now the issue of the number of count of unicode is also resolve in swift 4.0.
"👧🏽".count // person + skin tone; in Swift 3: 2 Swift 4 : 1
"👨👩👧👦".count // family with four members; in Swift 3: 4 Swift 4 : 1
"👱🏾\u{200D}👩🏽\u{200D}👧🏿\u{200D}👦🏻".count // family + skin tones; in Swift 3: 8 Swift 4 : 1
"👩🏻🚒".count // person + skin tone + profession; in Swift 3: 3 Swift 4 : 1
"🇨🇺🇬🇫🇱🇨".count // multiple flags; in Swift 3: 1 Swift 4 : 3
Character.unicodeScalars property:
The You can access the code point of character directly without to convert it to a string.
let c: Character = "🇪🇺"
let d: Character = "🇬🇫"
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What’s new in Strings in Swift 4?
Reviewed by KIRIT MODI

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